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  • Can I amend my order?
    Unfortunately, we are unable to cancel or amend orders once they have been placed. You can return your order once you have received it, please find further details in our returns information.
  • How do I know my order is confirmed?
    Once you’ve completed your purchase, we will send you an Order Confirmation email. Please check your junk mail or spam folders if you can’t find it. Otherwise, contact customer service via our Contact Us form and we will be able to re-send your confirmation email to you for your reference.
  • How can I edit my shipping address?
    If your shipping address is incorrect, please email and we will be happy to amend it.
  • Will my jewellery tarnish?
    All the jewellery base is either stainless steel or brass, coated in 18k gold-plating (unless stated otherwise) therefore should not tarnish however we do advise to not shower or sleep in your pieces in order to maintain the shine.
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